The 13th Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival will take place from 4 to 8 May 2016
The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos or interactive media (published after 1.1.2013) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term. The festival is open to all filmmakers, but aims especially at films with a background from anthropology, sociology, folklore, history etc. It provides a great opportunity for the exchange of ideas and co-operation in documentary on an international level.
The Festival has a new partnership with the University of Koblenz-Landau. Therefore, a selection of the films will be presented May 5-6 at Koblenz.
Göttingen GIEFF Programme Koblenz GIEFF Programme
The Festival in Göttingen will take place at
the Paulinerkirche in the heart of the city. See map.

The student film competition is one of the central events of the festival.
It starts on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 pm.
The main festival starts Thurday afternoon at 2 pm.
Presentation of Film Award: Saturday at 6.15 pm Student's Film Award for the best ethnographic student film
Special topics of the festival are: Migration, Mining, Cultural Heritage, and Womens' perspectives
Entrance Fees (20 % discount for early bird festival registration (including the payment) till: 10th April 2016
- Whole festival: Euro 120,- (96.-) / Students Euro 60,- (48,-)
- Single day ticket: Euro 40,- (32,-) / Students Euro 26,- (20,80)
- Single Screening: (1-2 films) Euro 8,-/ Students Euro 6,- (on site payment only)
See also our special offer for excursions.