Organised by
Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival e.V.
The association "Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival e.V." organises the festival. It was founded in May 2007 (statutes). You are invited to become a sustaining member of the festival and get free entrance (application).
In cooperation with
Festival Committee 2012
Festival Director: Beate Engelbrecht
International Coordinator: Rolf Husmann
Festival Assistant:
Anna Seegers-Krückeberg
Jana Pajonk
Jelana Vajen
Selection Committee 2012
Peter Crawford (Denmark)
Beate Engelbrecht (Germany)
Rolf Husmann (Germany)
Janine Prins (The Netherlands)
Thomas Schärer (Switzerland)
Ivana Todorovic (Serbia)
Jelana Vajen(Germany)
Nadine Wanono (France)
Jury Student Award 2012
Marleen Folkerts (The Netherlands)
Itsushi Kawase (Japan)
Michaela Schäuble (Germany)
Executive Committee 2012
Robert Scheck
Oliver Becker
Frank David
Interns 2012
Lissien-Melisa Davila-Zehl
Birgit Ehret
Freya Grünwald
Heike Fauter
Dorothee Jahnkuhn
Tina Krüger
Wiebke Unger
Malte von der Brelie
Franziska Weidle