25-05-2022 GIEFF-Films
Student Film Festival
Fonja, Barcelona – A Welcoming City, The Walnut Tree, Boy Queen,Mother's, Researching our Feminism: Stories of Shame, Ishim, The Mushroom at the Top of the World, Mundo, Living Forest, Manacillo, Like a Dream with Open Eyes, Mam's Old Chair, Web of Thoughts, Who am I

Germany, 2019, 80,5 min
Location: Madagascar
A Film by: Lina Zacher, Raharisoa Sitrakaniaina, Adrimamy Fenotoky Alpha, Raharison Nantenaina Adriano, Rakotondrabe Jean Chrisostome, Santatra Lovatiana Desire, Sitraka Hermann Ramanamokatra, Erick Edwin Andrianamelona, Ravo Henintsoa Andrianatoandro, Elani Eric Ra
Ten juvenile delinquents from the largest detention institution in Madagascar have joined a four-months film production workshop to discover the camera for the first time. It becomes a tool to observe, to document, to play around, to visualize their own ideas, thoughts and to rediscover and learn about their supposedly familiar surroundings through the camera lens. A journey into the daily life of the minors, shaped by their struggles and dreams and their great spirit to invest all of their creativity, energy and inspiration to make their own film.
Website: https://www.fonjafilm.com/
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/347919415
Screening: 25.05.2022 13:00
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Barcelona – A Welcoming City
Germany, 2021, 55,5 min
Location: Spain
A Film by: Christin Schuchardt
To what extent does the image of Barcelona as a ‘Refugee City’ resemble the lives of the people affected by the European border regime? This ethnographic documentary focuses on the local political strategies which regulate the treatment of migrants. It shows the deficits and precarious situations of those who have come in search of more humane living conditions and how most of them spent years without the perspective of a right to stay or a work permit. On the basis of long term collaborative anthropological research, deep insights are given into migrant communities in their persistent fight against the prevailing racist power relations.
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/631384333
Screening: 25.05.2022 14:25
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The Walnut Tree
Belgium, 2021, 40,5 min
Location: Belgium
A Film by: Kato Smits
“The Walnut Tree” (De Okelaar) is a co-housing community in a small village near Brussels. Throughout the film, the viewer gets to know the inhabitants of De Okelaar and how they manage community life. While conducting fieldwork in the community, the filmmaker explored the tension between individual boundaries, on the one hand, and the idea of a group, on the other. The film follows this tension by asking: Where does ‘I’ end and ‘we’ begin?
Screening: 25.05.2022 15:20
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Online available after the last film.
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Boy Queen
Myanmar, 2021, 19 min
Location: Myanmar
A Film by: Sai Nyi Min Htut
To his mother, Agyip is a 19-year-old who works as a hotel receptionist. What she does not know is that by night her son takes on another persona and life – he becomes ‘Violet Katy’. In conservative Myanmar, drag is something of a nascent art and often frowned upon, but Agyip and his friend Myint Kant Zin are determined to don their make-up and costumes, strut their stuff and live the lives they want – in spite of family pressure.
Website: http://yangonfilmschool.org/boy-queen/
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/568347179
Screening: 25.05.2022 16:35
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Belgium, 2019, 22 min
Location: Belgium
A Film by: Hippolyte Leibovici
During an evening backstage, “Mother’s” paints the portrait of a drag family from Brussels spanning four generations. As layers of makeup and alcohol erode away the masculinity and feminize them, their hearts begin to open. Difficult topics such as suicide, coming out and maternal love are addressed and merge with jokes but generational misunderstandings inevitably insert themselves into the discussion.
Screening: 25.05.2022 16:55
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Researching Our Feminism: Stories of Shame
Germany, 2021, 24 min
Location: Germany
A Film by: Franzina Braje, Wiebke Riedel
What is a performance of shame? The filmmakers – both queerfeminists in search of their sexual identity, reflect on their experience of shame that left its mark from childhood to adolescence and is still affecting them today. Their feminist self-research to uncover how the powerful control mechanism called ‘shame’ affects their behaviour and sense of self turns into a painful stroke of liberation. The writing down, laying open and recurring sharing of that, which was left unspoken for so long, paradoxically dismantles the feelings of shame and leads to a helpful joint analysis of an experience they thought they were alone in.
Screening: 25.05.2022 17:20
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Russian Federation, 2021, 25 min
Location: Russian Federation
A Film by: Kirill Sultanov
How long do feelings last? To find out the answer, the film director organizes a meeting of his divorced parents in Ishim, the town of their youth, where they separated 16 years ago. With a population of less than 65000 people, this place has become not only a witness to the history of one broken family, but also to all of the social problems that encompass it – from spiritual and material poverty to the collapse of the institution of marriage in Russia. Mutual claims, unspoken resentments and old feelings return to the lives of ex-spouses during their journey through the memorable places of their former relationships.
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/677620022
Screening: 25.05.2022 17:45
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Online available after the last film.
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The Mushroom at the Top of the World
Slovenia, 2021, 44 min
Location: Nepal
A Film by: Matiaz Pinter
Yarsagumba, also known as the ‘Himalayan gold’, is a rare mushroom that is picked in the remotest corners of the Nepal Himalayas. A decade ago, Nepal was struck by the yarsagumba trading craze, as the prices of the mushrooms soared in the international markets. Since then, the local population has become increasingly dependent on this precious resource. In Nepal’s Rukum district, the villagers have turned to mushroom picking in order to restructure their livelihoods. The film addresses the issues of rural Nepal and portrays the people and their resilience in daily struggles to make a living in the relentless mountainous landscape.
Website: https://www.matjazpinter.com/
Trailer of Film: https://youtu.be/eGrcNug_5Wg
Screening: 25.05.2022 19:30
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Chile, 2020, 19 min
Location: Chile
A Film by: Ana Edwards
“Mundo” explores the prevalent phenomenon of Evangelical conversion within indigenous people in South America through the case of Matilde, an elderly Aymara lady raising livestock in the highlands of the border between Chile and Bolivia. The film focuses on how landscape and environment are transformed and shaped through the new Evangelical notions.
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/370234566
Screening: 25.05.2022 20:15
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Living Forest
Ecuador, 2021, 21 min
Location: Ecuador
A Film by: Tatiana Lopez
“Living Forest” (“Naku Ikinyu”) is an experimental and participatory ethnographic film essay that engages with Indigenous Sapara women. It focuses on their local pursuits of ecological wellbeing and their spiritual foundation, which recognizes human and non-human beings as animated. By combining voiceover with sensory and participatory methods, the researcher attempts to introduce collective and personal sensorial experiences through a collaborative approach that reflects on trans-corporeality and intersectionality while simultaneously presenting her collaborators’ embodied practices.
Website: https://www.tatianalopez.space/nakuikinyu
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/531317950
Screening: 25.05.2022 20:35
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Colombia, 2020, 30 min
Location: Colombia
A Film by: Nicolás Garcés
“Manacillo” documents the Easter celebrations in a small town on the Colombian Pacific coast. Whilst strongly rooted in African culture, the festivity gives new meaning to Catholic faith. This celebration, with all its particularities, shapes the identity of the black communities of the Yurumanguí river by convening those who are submerged in territorial disputes to a liberation through rhythm; a rhythm reminiscent of primordial times.
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/440126222
Screening: 25.05.2022 21:00
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Online available after the last film.
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Like a Dream with Open Eyes
Germany, 2021, 35 min
Location: Germany
A Film by: Lena Philipp
“Like a Dream with Open Eyes” is a film about two people who get to know each other all over again in old age. A film about love, trust and letting go of your partner as you have known them up to now. Ingrid has been struggling with her memory and is starting to get a bit disoriented as of late. Gerald takes care of everything now, does the housework and looks after her. From the perspective of the granddaughter, the film follows the two on their way to finding a common ground in dealing with the diagnosis of dementia.
Screening: 25.05.2022 22:05
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Mam's Old Chair
Ireland, 2021, 2,5 min
Location: Ireland
A Film by: Sheena Walsh
A film about repair, reuse, community and the joy that can be garnered from everyday objects. The chance find of an old chair highlights how locally sourced, locally made goods can be repaired and reused across many generations.
Website: https://www.mamsoldchair.com/
Trailer of Film: https://vimeo.com/706068052
Screening: 25.05.2022 22:40
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Web of Thoughts
Germany, 2021, 13,25 min
Location: Germany
A Film by: Alexander Chenchenko, Sebastian Mast, Constanze Illner, Annika Troitzsch, Kyuna Choi, Jonas Reuter
“Web of Thoughts” is a collaboration of social scientists and filmmakers in Frankfurt. Through interview sequences and scenic shots, the film illustrates different perceptions of change caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel. On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork, the lived realities of people from different contexts are woven together by giving room to their thoughts against a neutral background. How does COVID-19 change people's relationships and what role do restrictions, spaces, and digitalization play? The individual stories interweave and show the Bahnhofsviertel as a constantly changing network.
Website: https://www.lmnl.net/web-of-thoughts
Screening: 25.05.2022 22:45
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Who am I
Turkey, 2021, 56 min
Location: Turkey
A Film by: Kıvılcım Zafer Teoman
“Who am I” is a collaborative film with a group of young university students from Istanbul. Through the overarching theme of the pandemic, the participants make symbolic connections to hopelessness, money, future, society, identity, and space/place and use their own narratives to describe how these concepts resonate in social and digital media.
Website: https://www.filmwhoami.com/
Screening: 25.05.2022 23:00
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Online available after the last film.
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