The 14th German (Göttingen) International Ethnographic Film Festivalwill take place from 9 to 13 May 2018
The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos or interactive media (published after 1.1.2015) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term.
The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especially those having a background in anthropology, sociology, folklore, history etc. It provides a great opportunity for international exchange of ideas and co-operation in documentary filmmaking.
Submission Deadline: December 15, 2017

Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival 2016
It started as usual with the student film competition, one of the central events of the festival, on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 pm. The main festival opened Thursday afternoon at 2 pm.
This year's special topics of the festival were:
Economic Struggles and Migration
Coping with Change
Consequences of Mining
Cultural Heritage and Film
Women's Perspectives
Additionally two roundtables were held:
Roundtable I "Filming (Intangible) Cultural Heritage"
Roundtable II "Researching Through the Visual"
Three Student Awards
The Jury (Dorle Dracklé, David MacDougall and Metje Postma) decided to award the student price to three films. Two films were related to anthropological research projects and one to a non-degree related research.

One Student Award went to the film
Fighting for Nothing to Happen by Nora Wildenauer, Germany.
The Netherlands, 2015, 48 min
Location: Indonesia

One Student Award went to the film
Skin has Eyes and Ears’ by Daniela Vavrova, Slovakia.
Australia, 2014, 83 min
Location: Papua New Guinea

One Student Award went to the film
Cinderella by Alexander Zubovlenko , Belarus .
Belarus , 2015, 25 min
Location: Belarus
Two Special Mentions
Additionally the jury awarded two special mentions.

One Special Mention went to the film
Govandi Crime Aur Camera by Deepti Murali, Prateek Shekhar, Shubhra Dixit, Smita Vanniyar, Vaibhav Sorte, India.
India, 2015, 37 min
Location: India
Production: School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Studies, Mumbai

One Special Mention went to the film
Lady of the Lake by Zaw Naing Oo, Myanmar.
Myanmar, 2015, 37 min
Location: Myanmar
Production: Yangon Film School, Lindsey Merrison