Conference 28-5-2022
Welcome adress
Prof. Dr. Steve Vertovec and Dr. Torsten Näser, the organisers of the conference, welcomed the speakers and the visitors.
Collaborating with Locals
Collaborative Visual Anthropology
Visual Anthropology Programs and Participatory Video in Sahel
Speakers Trond Waage (Norwegian), Mouazamou Ahmadou (Cameroonian) and Sidylamine Bagayoko (Malian)
You can see their presentation in the video above.
More information you can find here.
Collaborative Films in Indigenous Terms
Speakers Typju Myky and André Lopes (Brasilians)
Collaborative Engagements with the DIY Electronic Music Scene of São Paulo
Speaker Mihai Andrei Leaha (Romanian)
Filming (in) Times of Crisis:
Reflecting Upon Visual Politics and Collaboration Against Controlling Images in Brazil
Speaker Paula Bessa Braz (Brasilian)
Conference 29-5-2022
Filming in a Family
How Grandfather Set up His "Million Dollar Shot": Negotiating Directorial Roles and Authorship in Ethnographic Filmmaking
Speaker Jón Bjarki Magnússon
You can see the discussion of the film in the video above.
More information you can find here.
Casting in Anthropological Filmmaking
Speakers Frode Storaas and Dipesh Kharel
You can see their presentation in the video above.
More information you can find here.
Producing a Community Soap Opera Series from the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea
Speakers Daisy Meko Samuel, (Papua New Guinea), Regina Knapp (Germany), Verena Thomas (Germany/Australia)
Working in Different Ways
Ethnographic Film as Cosmopolitan Product
Speakers Annelies Kuster (Belgian) and Erin Moriarty (US-American)
You can see their presentation in the video above. Remark: The speakers are translated by specialisted interpreters. Therefore, sometimes one doesn't hear any sound.
More information you can find here.
Moving Images / Shifting Voices - (Re-)Negotiating Authorship and Essayistic Montage in Ethnographic Cinema
Speakers Anja Dresche and Michaela Schäuble (Germans)
The Soloist - An Ethnographic Gaze on Rememberence and Forgiveness
Speaker Johann Olenitsch (German)
Conference 30-5-2022
Collaborative Projects

Who We Are: Teaching Ethnography Through Collaborative Filmmaking
Speaker Clara Kleiniger (Romanian)
Working with migrant collectives in Barcelona
Speaker Christin Schuchardt (German)
Creative Participation Projects
Speaker Lina Zacher (German)
A Collaborative Filmmaking Approach to Identity Formation on Social Media
Speaker Kıvılcım Zafer Teoman (Turkish)