Report on the 15th German International Ethnographic Film Festival
May 13th - May 17th, 2020

The festival is organised by an association, founded in May 2007.
The festival takes place normally in the heart of Göttingen. Due to the Covid 19 pandemia it took place online this year.
The festival is founding member of CAFFE - Coordinating Anthropological Film Festivals in Europe.
The Festival Programme, was composed by an international selection committee, including former and new members. More than 323 media had been submitted. 57 films were selected, 25 for the student category, 32 for the main festival.
As every year, the student film competition was of special interest and many commented on the very good quality of the films. Beside the presentation of new productions the festival had various main topics:Chances of Surviving, Dealing with Heritage, Impacts of Urbanisation, Questions of Belonging, Gender Roles, Womens’ Perspectives and Women Coping with Crisis.
Discussing Films, Discussing Filmmaking and Exchanging Ideas
This year 55 films from filmmakers of 30 different nationalities telling stories about people in 42 countries were presented online.
Over 1100 people registered for the festival. They were coming from all over the world, primarily from Germany and Europe, but also from all other continents.
Lively online discussions
Due to the online version of the festival the discussion were organised in groups after the morning, afternung and evening screening. Nearly all filmmakers were able to attend the discussion. The group discussion were lively and inspiring.
You can find the discussion in the GIEFF-Mediathek.
Vistors could participate by sending a comment before or during the discussion.
We are very grateful for the support of the filmmakers to screen their films in an online version of GIEFF.
Special event: Guardians of Productive Landscapes

This year we dedicated the Sunday morning to a special project: The Guardians of Productive Landscapes film series.
Currently more than one and a half billion people practise subsistence agriculture that produces about fifty per cent of the domestic food consumed in the developing world. The Guardians of productive landscapes film series shows how such a mode of production involves only human and animal labour, and only local resources. Being non-poisoning, non-destructive, bio-diverse, and sustainable this mode of production makes a valuable contribution to the preservation of the biosphere. The series aims towards new policy initiatives that treat these guardians of productive landscapes as partners in a joint struggle to save the endangered planet, - and it explores the constraints and enabling conditions for such a partnership.Work on the series has begun in Ethiopia but is meant to extend also to other parts of the world like those described in the FAO document Globally important agricultural heritage systems. A legacy for the future (Parvis Koohaftan and Miguel A. Galtieri2011).
Following the presentation of the films and the discussion with the filmmakers a group of specialist talk about the project and about projects which were developed newly in the context of the Guardians of Productive Landscapes project.
Many Thanks to the Festival Staff
The festivals war mainly executed by members of the GIEFF association.
Special thanks to:
- the designer
- the technical team
- the catalogue editors
Without the help of many young students it would not have been possible to organise the festival.
Special thanks to:
- the interns
Travelling GIEFF
Since several years our festival films are travelling through out Germany and the world, very often they are shown at conferences or in seminars at the university, sometimes also at local cultural events.
If you are interested to organise a Travelling GIEFF please let us know:
There have been screenings of some films in ethnographic film events in
- Universität Trier (