The 10th Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival will take place from 12 to 16 May 2010
The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos or interactive media (published after 1.1.2007) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term.
The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especially those coming from an anthropology, sociology, folklore, history etc. background . It provides a great opportunity for international exchange of ideas and co-operation in documentary filmmaking.

The student film competition, one of the central events of the festival, started on Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 pm. The main festival opened Thursday afternoon at 2 pm.
Special topics of the festival were:
Situation and Developments in Eastern Europe
Migration and Integration: Consequences for the People
Globalisation: Threats and Temptation
Intercultural Dialogue Through Football
Further information on the festival 2008 ...

The Student Award went to the film
Out of School (Schule aus ins Leben raus) by Sandra Eckardt.
Germany, 2006, 51 min
Location: Germany: Göttingen
Production: Universität Göttingen, Institut für Kulturanthropologie / Europäische Ethnologie / Gesellschaft für den kulturwissenschaftlichen Film (GfkF)
It’s the last school day. Jessica and Len have graduated at 15. In this transition period, they need to choose from many possibilities, but there are also many limitations. For five months, the filmmaker follows both of them on their different paths: Jessica begins a job training, Len attends a vocational school. How do they cope with the growing world around them?