IWF Knowledge and Media announces the
8th Göttingen International Film Festival
due to take place in Göttingen in May 24-28, 2006.
As before, it will be organized by IWF and take place on the IWF premises.
The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especially those from anthropology, sociology, folklore and neighbouring disciplines. It provides a great opportunity for international co-operation in Visual Anthropology and documentary filmmaking.
The general aim of the festival is:
- to promote documentary cinema in the context of intra- and intercultural communication and
- to give credit to new films, videos or interactive media dealing with anthropology, sociology and cultural studies in a wide sense of the term.
Organised as an event in the heart of Europe, media from Central and Eastern Europe will be accepted with particular interest.
For the first time, the festival will also have some topical highlights:
- The global and the local - how to deal with ecological changes and scarce resources.
- Representing the Other on TV.
There will also be held round table discussion on these topics.
A special event is the Student Competition with a prize awarded to the best student film. Films by filmmakers who were students at the time of the film's date of publication qualify for the competition.
All submitted films for the Student Competition and the Main Festival will be reviewed by an International Selection Committee consisting of six outstanding visual anthropologists.