18th German International Ethnographic Film Festival
The German International Ethnographic Film Festival takes place from 13 to 17 May 2026
The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos and interactive media (published after 1.1.2023) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term.
The festival is open to all filmmakers, but especially those with a background in anthropology, sociology, folklore, history etc. It provides a great opportunity for international exchange of ideas and co-operation in documentary filmmaking.
The submission of films and multi-model presentations will be possible from December 1, 2024 onwards.
Submission Deadline: December 1, 2025
Early Bird Deadline: November 11, 2025
Further information: info[at]gieff.de
The festival takes place at the Paulinerkirche in Göttingen.

German International Ethnographic Film Festival 2026
We are looking forward to our next festival in 2026.
The festival will take place again in the Paulinerkirche in Göttingen, Germany. There will be an emphasis on meeting locally.
The discussions with the filmmakers and the visitors during the screenings are inspiring.
Even more, the conversations during the breaks are stimulating for everyone. These debates are very close to our hearts.
Every year we learn how to improve the organisation of the festival concerning the online facilities.
Therefore, we plan that some aspects of the festival will also be available online.
The festival is organised by GIEFF e.V.in cooperation with various institutions and organisations .

German International Ethnographic Film Festival 2024
The festival once again took place in the Paulinerkirche in Göttingen.
Filmmakers and visitors were able to watch and discuss many interesting films.
The films focused on the topic of memories.
Our thanks go to the filmmakers, moderatiors, the GIEFF team as well as the visitors.
They all turned the festival into a successful event.
We are looking forward to see each other at the next festival in Göttingen in 2026 again.