GIEFF goes online 2020
by Beate Engelbrecht

Difficult times - new ideas
The directorate of GIEFF e.V. decided early March to conduct GIEFF 2020 in an online version.
The whole team worked intensively to put up the corresonding facilities.
The new programme of GIEFFonline is now published. Programme as pdf.
Here you find the Catalogue of this year's festival.
GIEFFonline offered two possibilities to see films:
- In the GIEFF-Mediathek you find the films. The order follows the online programme.
One could see the films at any time starting May 13 at 8 am and ending May 27 at 11 pm. - GIEFF-Streaming offered the opportunity to see the films according to the programme.
After each morning, afternoon and evening screening a Q&A session followed.